Hello Hello!!

Hello all and thanks for getting this thing going. I am available as marinarpost on Skype or malinki8 for iChat. I am on FB as well. I will figure out a way to share some images. I used to have an album on FB till I found out if you post it, they own it.

So here are some of the creative ways I express myself:

I make Limoncello.

I take photographs

I keep bees and enjoy honey.

I creatively construct my living space.

I have painted many cars.

I work at a sketchbook sometimes.

Sometimes I document my life in artistic visual efforts.

I look forward to making much more art in my life especially with this fun group!

Stuff what I Drew Recently

Obviously I have too much time on my hands...

I have seen Marti and Keiko's artwork, but I haven't seen anyone else's! How about posting links to, or examples of some of your work?! I'd love to see how everyone creates.

Here's some examples of mine:
My favorite photographs taken on a frosty morning in Scotland.
A monotype I created years ago.
Silent Thought a film montage.
Water (a short film)
Moments Between Moments (a short film using 8mm home movies my grandfather took in the '60s)
The Story of Daphne and Apollo
Lileane (vector illustration)
As you can tell, most of this list is old work, because my most recent creation takes up all my time.

Thanks Leann!

Here we are fellow creatives. All set with our own blog courtesy of the wonderful Leann. Some of us do not have access to an online video chat - and others of us do. If you do add your online contact info below if you're interested ever in connecting this way. But don't feel like you'll miss anything if you don't. Because we'll all be interacting through this blog right here with photos and such (videos?). Fun!

Marti Skype: martimumu
and I have iphone facetime and mac ichat too.